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Network Testing and Emulation Solutions

Configure a Remote LANforge

Goal: Configure LANforge to be securely accessed via an Internet accessible gateway.

Follow these guidelines to configure a LANforge server so that it is less abusable if accessible via the Internet. Ideally the only method of access is via SSH. Remember that LANforge systems are designed for isolated environments and convenient usability. Never connect a LANforge system directly to the Internet. It is not secure. Requires version 5.4.6
  1. Prepare the Gateway

    The internet gateway would want the LANforge system management address plugged into it. The following steps assume the gateway is configured to provide DHCP on the LAN and the LANforge management port (eth0) is using DHCP. Use the LANforge Configuration tool or lfconfig as necessary.
    1. We do not suggest placing the LANforge in a full DMZ network where all public requests are forwarded to the LANforge. That is not secure.
    2. Just forward the SSH port (22/tcp) to the LANforge
    3. Disable Universal Plug-n-Play (UPnP)
    4. Disable WAN administration ports (those are never secure)
  2. Prepare the LANforge

    We will configure the LANforge server to change the management port and to not manage the default ethernet interface. The server should not accept LANforge protocol commands on every interface, making it much more secure. For this discussion, we will use the lfconfig script because that is always easy to access from an SSH connection. Also, we will assume that the LANforge GUI will NOT run on this machine.
    1. Stop the GUI and disable the autostart GUI feature

      1. killall lfclient.bash
      2. killall java
      3. rm -f /home/lanforge/.config/autostart/LANforge-auto.desktop
    2. Configure LANforge server to use loopback as management port

      1. sudo -s
      2. cd /home/lanforge
      3. ./serverctl.bash stop
      4. ./lfconfig
      5. Typical screen:
        Interfaces: eth0
        Resource interface assignment:
        Resource 1:
        Specified Resource Addresses:
        Key Acceptable Values Value
        log_level [0-65535] 7
        log_dir [directory path] /home/lanforge
        add_resource_addr [host:port] SEE LIST ABOVE
        rem_resource_addr [host:port] SEE LIST ABOVE
        realm [1-255] 255
        resource [1-511] 1
        mgt_dev [ethernet device] eth0
        mode [resource, manager, both] both
        log_file_len [0-2G] 0
        bind_mgt [0-1] 0
        shelf [1-8] 1
        dev_ignore [eth0 eth1 ... ethN]
        first_cli_port [1025-4199] 4001
        connect_mgr [host:port]
        gps_dev [device file] NONE
        max_tx [1-500] 5
        max_send_mmsg_mem [1000-500000] 32000
        max_send_mmsg_pkts [1-1000] 500
        keepalive [1000-500000] 30000
        wl_probe_timer [50-2000] 50
        Other Commands: help, show_all
        If these values are correct, enter "config", otherwise change
        the values by entering the key followed by the new value, for example:
        mode manager
        Your command:
      6. Your command: mgt_dev lo
      7. Your command: bind_mgt 1
      8. Your command: dev_ignore eth0
      9. Your command: show_all
      10. Key               Acceptable Values          Value
        log_level [0-65535] 7
        log_dir [directory path] /home/lanforge
        add_resource_addr [host:port] SEE LIST ABOVE
        rem_resource_addr [host:port] SEE LIST ABOVE
        realm [1-255] 255
        resource [1-511] 1
        mgt_dev [ethernet device] lo
        mode [resource, manager, both] both
        log_file_len [0-2G] 0
        bind_mgt [0-1] 1
        shelf [1-8] 1
        dev_ignore [eth0 eth1 ... ethN] eth0
        first_cli_port [1025-4199] 4001
        connect_mgr [host:port]
        gps_dev [device file] NONE
        max_tx [1-500] 5
        max_send_mmsg_mem [1000-500000] 32000
        max_send_mmsg_pkts [1-1000] 500
        keepalive [1000-500000] 30000
        wl_probe_timer [50-2000] 50
        Other Commands: help, show_all
      11. Your command: config
      12. ./serverctl.bash restart
  3. Other Security Considerations

    The fewer services listening on all ports on the LANforge the safer it will be.
    Check netstat -ntulp to find services listening on address
    You might want to disable or reconfigure services that could reduce your security posture, such as:
    1. nfs-server.service (only useful for NFS testing)
    2. radiusd.service (used in 802.1x roaming testing)
    3. rpc-bind.service (only useful for NFS testing)
    4. rpc-mountd.service (only useful for NFS testing)
    5. rpc-statd.service (only useful for NFS testing)
    6. vncserver@:1.service (if no local GUI needs to run, should only need ssh)
    7. xrdp.service (because it can be logged in multiple times)
  4. Connect via SSH

    SSH not only does port forwarding, but it can compress the data stream between a GUI and a LANforge Server.
    1. Using PuTTY

    2. See other cookbook
    3. Using OpenSSH

    4. OpenSSH is available on Linux, MAC OS X and Windows
      1. The SSH -L option specifies [local-port]:[remote-host]:[remote-port]
      2. ssh -L 4002: -CnNv lanforge@gateway-host
      3. Leave that connection running.
    5. Using public keys

      You can install a public key to your LANforge and use to avoid typing passwords. Those keys usually reside in your $HOME/.ssh directory.
      1. ssh-keygen -t ed25519
      2. ssh-copy-id lanforge@gateway-host
      3. It is possible to specify the ssh key to avoid copying the wrong one
      4. ssh-copy-id -i $HOME/.ssh/id_ed25519 lanforge@gateway-host
      5. ssh -CnNv -i $HOME/.ssh/ed25519 -L 4002: gateway-host
    6. Using Your .ssh/config File

      Edit the hostname and IP configuration for the host:
      Host lanforge-a1
      Hostname gateway-host
      User lanforge
      IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 # needs to match the ssh key you shared with ssh-copy-id
      IdentitiesOnly yes # useful if you have >6 ssh keys
      Compression yes
      LocalForward 8000 # for browsing reports on LF system
      LocalForward 4001 # for CLI telnet scripts
      LocalForward 4002 # for binary GUI protocol
      ssh -vnN lanforge-a1
  5. Connect the LANforge GUI your Forwarded Connection

  6. After starting your SSH connection to gateway-host, start your Local GUI and connect to localhost:4002
    If you cannot connect, you might need to edit your /etc/hosts file.
    It might be listing ::1 localhost or no localhost entry at all.
  7. cat /etc/hosts
    ::1 localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6 lanforge.localnet lanforge.localdomain
    # Loopback entries; do not change.
    # For historical reasons, localhost precedes localhost.localdomain:
    # See hosts(5) for proper format and other examples:
    # foo
    # bar
    ###-LF-HOSTNAME-NEXT-### localhost localhost.localdomain vm-a490 vm-a490-local

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